Advanced Analytical Systems for Molecular Detection

Autabolite Inc. offers a custom analytical system for the detection and quantification of non-radioactive and radioactive molecules in complex biological samples, specifically blood plasma.

Solid-phase Extraction

Autabolite is proud to offer a fully automated solid-phase extraction (SPE) system for rapid radioligand analysis which couples radiation detection with a fraction collector for rapid radioligand isolation and quantification.

Column-switching HPLC Solutions

We also offer an automated column-switching high-performance liquid-chromatography (HPLC) system which couples conventional UV and coincidence radiation detectors for the precise quantification of radioligands and their metabolites.

Comprehensive Installation, Training, and Support

Services include but are not limited to; instrument installation, in-person personnel training, on- and off-site troubleshooting, and the inclusion of standard operating procedures with every purchase. 

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Contact info

Koralgatan 1, 215
70 Malmö, Sweden

+3842 1773 59 11